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Don't Make Your Customers Work

Sep 17, 2021

I'm dropping a truth bomb here: 

Customers are lazy. That's the honest truth. Before you disagree, listen for a second.

They don't want to be bothered with multiple steps and several clicks or to be brought here and there and everywhere. They don't have the time and chances are, someone else will be doing the same thing as you in less steps and in an easier way that they'll buy from instead. 

Personally, I don't consider myself a lazy person in any way except this one. If I have to go on some extravagant freaking man hunt to buy your product, let me tell you, I'm going somewhere else. Make it easy for me to purchase and I will be back time and time again.

Limit the number of steps to purchasing or receiving the offer to as few as possible. The fewer the steps, the greater your conversion rate. That's all there is to it. 



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