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Get a Step Up on Your Competitors By Doing These 5 Things

Mar 27, 2020

It's a noisy world out there. So how do you stand out? How do you make sure you've got a step up on the competition? I'm going to tell you. 

1. Creat videos, lots and lots of videos. You should be consistently showing up on IGTV, Facebook Live, and uploading videos to Pinterest. Here's what I do to streamline the process: I start by doing a Facebook Live. After you've finished that, Facebook gives you an option to save it, so I do. Next, I use that to upload the video to my Instagram feed via IGTV and Pinterest. In this way, I only have to record one video, not 3 and this creates consistency across my feeds. 


2. Use third party validation as much as you possibly can. This means whenever and wherever your customers are talking about your business, you post it, share it, pin it. I have a highlight on my Instagram account specifically for testimonials, they're all over my website, and they're front and center on my Facebook page. If you have a Facebook group, make an album of customer reviews or start a board on Pinterest that displays what people are saying about your business. Third party validation is always much more meaningful and converts at a higher rate than any content you could possibly create yourself. 


3. Think about integrating thought reversals into your content. Brandon Lucero is the mastermind behind this approach and it's pure gold. Thought reversals challenge some sort of generally accepted way of thinking. One of my most successful and highly engaged videos is called "Working Hard Won't Make You Successful." Immediately, people's reactions are to disagree. But in the video, I go on to explain that working hard if it's not on the right things won't get you anywhere. You must be working on the things that will actually move the needle forward in your business in order to be successful. Get it? It's flipping the script on a pre-conceived notion in order to get people's attention. 


4. Be consistent. The majority of business owners out there are just showing up here and there in their marketing strategy. That is NOT the place to be showing up whenever you happen to have a little time. Schedule email campaigns, social media posts, engagement, and blogs into your agenda or they don't get done on a regular basis. Not only do social media algorithms love consistency, but it builds trust with your audience that you'll show up and you're not going anywhere. 


5. Identify what your competitors are NOT doing. You won't garner any attention if you're following the crowd and just doing what everyone else is doing. What can you do that no one else is doing? What can you do that will get you noticed? For instance, Diff is an eyewear company that helps those in need of optical procedures or glasses. Now, this isn't totally unique. There are several companies that donate proceeds to the less fortunate, but Diff went a step further and made it obvious what they're all about by including their stand in their name which, in its entirety, is Diff Charitable Eyewear. Right away, consumers know they donate to a good cause just by reading their name. This is not something their competitors do and a clever way Diff sets themselves apart. You may find the answer in your content, your customer experience, or the value you offer your audience for free. Get creative here and you will be rewarded! 



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