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New York is Harness Racing's Best Kept Secret

Mar 08, 2024

The New York Sire Stakes (NYSS) is the nation's oldest harness racing program of its kind, but somehow it might also constitute the sport's biggest secret. While harness racing in New York is certainly not novel, its growing benefits seem to fly largely under the radar. 

Their breeders award program just saw an increase to $1.31 million in 2024. It provides rewards to every level of the NYSS including the Sire Stakes, Excelsior Series, and County Fair Races. The residency-based award program is available to breeders who breed their mares to New York-registered stallions and keep their mares in the state for a minimum of 180 consecutive days, including conception. If you're unsure where to start, Blue Chip Farms is New York's premier breeding facility, standing several New York-registered stallions and offering boarding services to ensure mares reach residency status. 

Additionally, interstate shipped semen in New York recently passed. This is incredibly advantageous for breeders located outside of New York and willing to bypass the breeders' awards, but desiring a New York-eligible foal. In the past, semen could not be shipped out-of-state and result in a New York-eligible foal. This change is great news for breeders and stallion owners alike. 

As good as that all sounds, we're not done yet. No greater return on investment exists in 2024 than the NYSS program. The purse money per eligible foal is greater than any other jurisdiction. This bodes extremely well for breeders, whether they're breeding to sell or race. More earning potential translates to higher prices at the yearling sales (which we've already seen), and then the substantial purses and comparatively minimal competition in the stakes races? Can't beat that.  

If all this sounds appealing, which is to say if money appeals to you, Blue Chip Farms is the perfect place to start exploring your options. Whether you are seeking full service or are more of a hands on do-it-yourself breeder, Blue Chip tailors each breeding experience to suit the needs of the individual client. 

See you in the Winner's Circle! 



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