Let's chat freebies. Do you have one? How many? Are they working for you?
A freebie may not make you money directly, but it will be the most important resource you create in your business because this is what will "hook" people and get them interested in what actually does make you money. Freebies are also known as list builders or lead magnets.
You want your lead magnet to be straightforward and simple, something that can provide your audience a quick, immediate win. Freebies commonly take on the form of checklists, templates, or worksheets. Quizzes are another direction you can pursue to obtain leads. They don't offer the value that the other freebies might, but for some reason, everyone loves a good quiz and they typically work extremely well.
My best performing lead magnet to date has been a free welcome email template. I've also had a lot of success with an entrepreneur-related Harry Potter quiz (yes, I'm a huge HP nerd).
Now, my Harry Potter quiz was extremely successful, but I took it out of rotation. Why? I found I was attracting more straight Harry Potter fans than entrepreneurs or even a mix of the two, which led to many unsubscribes in my subsequent emails (freebies are used as list builders-- email addresses in exchange for your free resource). You're going to get some unsubscribes no matter what, that's just part of email marketing, but too many is telling you that you're not speaking to the right crowd. So I restructured, built my welcome email template, and now I only get an unsubscribe here and there.
I also want to suggest you limit yourself to one or two really solid lead magnets that produce results. If you put too many out into the world, it just gets complicated for you and the quality tends to be lacking as well. Just focus on one or two freebies that you're proud of and serve your purpose well.
As for places to distribute your lead magnets? Pinterest is, by far, my favorite. I have constant ads running on Pinterest and they've been a more than worthwhile investment. And Pinterest is a perfect choice for a lot of industries, but when you're deciding where your lead magnet will be most successful, identify where you target market hangs out. Are they on Facebook? Pinterest? Instagram? Maybe they're mostly on Google or even less conventional, YouTube?
Put some thought into your freebie. Create it. And then figure out where it needs to go.
*Bonus Tip: I love Canva for creating my lead magnets. Try it out.
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