Mental health. Let's talk about it. I don't actually want to, but I feel like it needs to be done because I know others are feeling what I'm feeling, and I don't want you to feel like you're alone in this.
I don't have mental health issues because I'm an entrepreneur or because I have big aspirations, but they do exacerbate them. I've struggled with anxiety all my life. There was no name for it when I was little, I'd just have seemingly random tantrums for reasons my parents couldn't figure out and I couldn't find words for. I'd get overwhelmed and upset about things others typically wouldn't. It would often manifest as anger and we all just joked it was "that Italian temper." It was anxiety. All along, it was anxiety.
As I've grown older, and dealt with hardships and trials just as everyone does, depression reared its ugly head. I didn't realize what it was at first because it's not like I was suicidal, but I couldn't sleep at night and then slept all day, I wasn't eating, drinking too much, and I lost interest in everything I had enjoyed before, including my businesses.
In this season of life, my anxiety is now accompanied by depression. I don't know why, everything is going great, but our bodies aren't always logical. And if you're an entrepreneur, you know, this career path is not for the faint of heart. Staying motivated and disciplined is HARD when you're also trying to get your mental health under control. If you've been there or are there, hear me. You are not crazy. You are not broken. Something is not wrong with you. You are not alone. You're going to dust yourself off and get back up just like you do every other time. You were made for this; you were made to overcome.
I talked to my doctor and am now on additional meds to help get my depression under control. It's working wonders and I'm definitely on the up and up now. Prescription medicine may not be your answer. Maybe it's meditating, maybe it's exercising, maybe its essential oils or CBD products, or maybe it's talking to a therapist. Whatever it is, I will not judge you. Being an entrepreneur is hard. Mental health is hard. Life is hard. I will never judge your way of getting through it.
If you need someone to talk to about your mental health journey (in a totally unofficial, unprofessional capacity) or even just to be reassured that you're not alone, find me on Instagram at @mikdigitalmarketing.
Stay strong my warriors.
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