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Treat Yourself Like A Small Business Even If You Aren't

Jul 16, 2021

This is a novel concept to a lot of people, which is funny to me because it's always just seemed like an obvious approach to business marketing in my mind. But you should be treating yourself as a small business even if you aren't. Think: dentists and doctors with their own practice, salesmen, realtors, insurance agents, etc. This is how you set yourself apart from all the others in your industry even if you aren't technically a small business. 

Create business accounts on social media for yourself, spend time engaging with your ICA, create behind the scenes videos, go live, post entertaining, thoughtful content, develop a loyal following, and the in-person business will come easily. 

Hardly anyone in any of the industries that aren't conventionally considered small businesses are marketing in this way. Get started and get ahead of the game before everyone else catches up and the return on investment will be tenfold. Even small businesses in the trades such as plumbers and electricians haven't caught on to this strategy. 

Even if everyone was utilizing the small business marketing approach, it'd still be worth hopping on board and using it, but the return will be exponentially greater right now because no one else is doing it. They're stuck in the past, either not marketing at all or using old school marketing techniques like radio or print ads. The time for those methods is largely over. Social media is the new print and the sooner you master it, the sooner you'll set yourself apart and become infinitely more successful than your competitors. 




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