This is how it all began. I was 25. I had just gotten passed over for a job I had literally already been doing as a temp and felt a lot of pride in the work I had done so far. I knew a lot of people felt I was too young for the position, too young to be taken seriously and make an impact. So now I wanted to prove everyone wrong.
Fast forward to my very first course launch ever with the business I had started after failing to land that job. Cart opens day 1... no sales. Ok it’s fine, it’s only day 1. Live webinars come and go... no sales. A steady, thrumming panic starts to take over my body. Just under the surface, but it's always there. Doubt seeps in... maybe I was right to get passed over for the job. Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this at all. Maybe I should stick to what I’ve been doing. Day 7... I finally confide to my boyfriend that I’m scared I won’t make any sales. My thought process before was if I don’t say anything, it won’t be real.. but I couldn’t take the incessant thrumming anymore by myself.
Now let me tell you about day 8. I was talking to my mom on the phone and casually logged into my back office without much thought. There it was. Dollar signs. I had made a sale. I had done it. After a moment of stunned silence, I said “mom, I made a sale, I gotta go.” And I hung up, promptly stood up from the kitchen table and proceeded to dance around the kitchen— literally doing a happy dance. The weight, the pressure, the fear and doubt lifted off my shoulders and I was dancing it out. There’s been many more sales since, and while each one may not be followed with a happy dance, I am still consumed with the same feeling every single time.
THAT is why my marketing course for small business owners exists. That is why I put my entire heart into getting it into their hands. I want everyone to experience that feeling, to have no choice but to break out into a happy dance in the middle of their kitchen because they made another sale. It’s like that quote— "when you buy from a small business, an actual person does a happy dance."
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