You've heard the old song and dance over and over, serve your audience. But the people you hear it from aren't just saying it. Listen up.
I teach this concept in my course, the Digital Marketing Guide to Profits. Serve, add value, blah blah blah, right? But think about it this way: if you're hearing it over and over again from experts in the marketing industry, it must have some merit.
If you serve your audience 3 times more than you sell to them, you'll do 3 times the sales once you do sell. Read that again. You're going to triple the sales you would otherwise if you serve your audience by being attentive to their needs and adding value for free the majority of the time. That means: not selling their ears off. No one wants to be sold to. That's the plain and simple truth. I don't know about you, but I have never heard anyone say, "gosh I so enjoyed the experience of this person pressuring me into buying this thing."
Ok so now you know you need to serve your audience, but maybe you don't know how exactly to go about that. Here's some ideas:
If you want to triple your sales, I'm telling you, start by being super intentional about what content you're offering to your followers. It should be some of your best stuff! Entrepreneurs usually fear giving away some of their best material, assuming potential customers will think "I've got this great stuff for free, so why would I pay for anything?" But that's not how it goes. If they get a ton of value out of your free content, they are going to want more from you! They're going to think "If I got this resource for free, imagine what I'll get if I pay them!"
Trust me on this one friend. Now go triple your sales.
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