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You Shouldn't Be Marketing Your Business On All Social Media Platforms

Mar 17, 2020

Here's the scoop: 

If you're attempting to market your business across all the platforms out there, there's no way you can do so effectively, rendering all your time completely wasted. Trying to be everywhere will mean you're effectively showing up nowhere. Unless you're a large corporation, with a huge team, you simply cannot be everywhere well. But maybe of more interest to you? 

There's no need. It's highly unlikely your target demographic is on every platform. I have yet to meet a business owner that has an ICA that justifies them being on all the social media platforms available. My clients will tell me they set up accounts on all the social media sites almost like it's a badge of honor. Following this exclamation, I ask: 

But are you posting consistently on every single account? The answer always to follow is "no."

Are you spending time to intentionally engage and build relationships on every single account every day? "" 

Did you set up your profile in a purposeful manner that displays your expertise, authority, and builds trust? ...crickets.

And these are just a few things that are important! Everything falls by the wayside when you try to be everywhere. It simply cannot and should not be done. Choose 1-2 platforms to show up really consistently for your audience. Decide which platforms these are by identifying where your ideal customers are spending most of their time. This will streamline your social media marketing strategy, increase your effectiveness tenfold, save you time, and be much more profitable.




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