Confidently Transform Your Entire Marketing Strategy

in 60 days

[without the debilitating overwhelm, unbearable frustration, and defeating feelings of incompetence]

If you’re a solopreneur, coach, network marketer, or small business owner looking to scale your profits through more effective digital marketing while not giving up all your time, money, or sanity then you already know that you need someone to show you how to efficiently and effectively accomplish this scaling process yourself. 

So with that being said, I'll spare you the whole rundown. Time is a precious commodity for a busy entrepreneur like you. 

You already know where your business needs a bit of a boost. You have heard again and again how crucial effective online marketing is to a business owner, so I won't keep drilling it into your head. You get it. 

I'm sure you also are well aware that there were 1.8 billion digital buyers in 2018 and that number is only expected to grow. It's estimated that there will be 2.14 billion digital buyers by 2021. 



Even if you are experiencing success in your business, getting clear on your ideal marketing strategy can:

  • Result in Substantial Profit Growth

    Can you say you're making the amount of money right now in your business that you want to make for the rest of your life? Implementing specific steps aimed at improving your marketing can overhaul your business in a way that leads to significant profits through a variety of channels. 
  • Generate Higher Conversions

    Who doesn't want a higher conversion rate? There's always room for improvement and it's one of my clients biggest desires. Effective marketing generates an audience that converts from simply viewing your content to exchanging money for your product/service. 
  • Lead To Greater Visibility

    Through purposeful action, more eyes will get on the content you're putting out into the digital sphere and therefore you will reach more consumers ready to pay money for your offer. 
  • Invite Collaboration Opportunities

    Getting noticed will invite in opportunities for collaboration with other businesses. Collabs are a great way to build your audience and network. The possibilities are endless with this one. 

Even though the reasons to pursue improved marketing strategies are obvious, the path to doing it successfully is anything but

Of Course I Want Out-Of-This-World Marketing

But how the heck do I get there without breaking the bank?

You've scoured the internet, read too many articles to count, watched webinars, and maybe even juggled with the idea of hiring a full-time marketing manager. 

If you're really dedicated to getting this thing off the ground without handing someone a paycheck every couple weeks, it's possible you've even thought about taking a course. 

But even with the best intentions, these are likely to leave you with an empty pocket book, overwhelmed, frustrated, or some undesirable combination therein. 

Here's why most entrepreneurs that have the ability to do their own marketing and be successful, feel lost and overwhelmed when they try do so:

Not only do they need to learn how to market themselves in the digital space over multiple platforms and get familiar with the tech involved, but as soon as they get the hang of it, the rules, trends, and guidelines change, catapulting them right back to square 1 rendering all their hard work ineffective. This quickly leads to a debilitating spiral of overwhelm and defeat.

What they need is a step-by-step roadmap to get clear on an individual marketing strategy that will work specifically for their business. 

But if you're already spiraling, it's not too late. Here's what you need to know: 

As a busy entrepreneur trying to balance business, family, and maybe even a 9-5, you literally can't afford to waste time marketing ineffectively. 

Ineffective marketing or no marketing at all is a death sentence for a business. It's crucial to learn proper marketing techniques and stay consistent with them. 

And fortunately for you, there is only a very small number of entrepreneurs marketing their businesses in an effective manner. 

The majority of your competitors are either failing to market much at all or spending time on things that aren't working and aren't moving the needle forward in their businesses. 

This is good news for you! Even if you feel behind because you hardly know what "the Facebook" is or the most you know about Instagram is it's full of pictures, this is a golden opportunity for you to invest in yourself and your business in a way that can convert into substantial profits if you follow the process that has been laid out and put in the work. 


The 5 Myths

That are Blocking Your Path to Profits

Myth #1

You're Not Good with Technology

You feel like the tech is ever-changing and impossible to keep up with. How does anyone ever keep it all straight, much less successfully promote their business with it?

Of course you're not familiar with tech if no one has taught you the ins and outs. How could you be expected to be adept at something in which you have little experience? 

With that being said, tech is a critical part of marketing so it's time to find someone who can help you become familiar with it.

Myth #2

You Don't Have the Time

Between taking care of loved ones, running a household, maybe even juggling a 9-5 job too, you've got a lot on your plate. It seems like one more thing might just be the straw that broke the camel's back. 

Marketing done right takes up much less time than ineffective, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants marketing that isn't really moving the needle forward in your business. Make time to develop a marketing strategy that works and your future self will thank you (your bank account will too). 

Myth #3

You Don't Have the Money

Mortgages, car payments, business expenses...I get it. There may not be a lot of that green stuff left over. I have been in your position and know the feeling well. 

But the truth is, you can't afford not to invest in yourself and learn how to market your own business in a way that actually works. By becoming competent in marketing yourself, you avoid the recurring social media manager fees. But put off your own marketing education and you'll miss out on an immeasurable amount of income. And can you really afford that?

Myth #4

What If You Don't Succeed?

There's always that nagging feeling in the back of your mind asking "What if I can't do this," "What if this doesn't work." We all hear that little voice sometimes, no matter the level of success we've reached.

I definitely understand what you're feeling, but I can tell you real success lies outside your comfort zone. And I can assure you that developing a customized marketing approach is developing what works for you. It's not trying something that worked for someone else with a different business and crossing your fingers it also works for your business. It's a strategic plan built to fit the nuances of your business, your audience, and your goals.  

Myth #5

You Don't Know How to Market

You're wondering what business you have marketing. You don't have a degree in marketing or any specialized training. You haven't attended conferences or workshops. 

Guess what though? You don't need any of that to be successful. All you need is to learn the basics, find what works for you, and stay consistent with it.

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a little secret

Although the barriers to create your own business are relatively low, hardly anyone goes the extra mile to effectively market that business. 

If you can do this, you will have a step up on your competition, leading to a bigger piece of the pie and greater profits.

Achieving this "step up" will give you the time freedom and financial freedom you have been seeking.

The common denominator at the core of all this is an effective marketing strategy that works for you.

And with your permission, I would love to show you how to develop just that.


The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits

A comprehensive roadmap to effectively marketing your business in the digital space while reaping the profits along the way.

I've been in your position. I know what you're going through: the struggles, the doubts, the questions. I've experienced it all. But through purposeful strategy, I've altered not only my business, but my entire life circumstance. I've taken what I've learned from my 1-on-1 clients in all industries and experiences with my own business and funneled these proven strategies into a comprehensive program that will walk you through exactly how to get from where you are now to tangible, profitable results. 

You won't get vague, open-ended strategies from me that are left up for interpretation. You can expect robust, clear implementation plans that are easy for you to understand and lead to a concrete result. 

The result: a complete marketing plan that will lead to customers that convert and unparalleled profit growth. 

The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. Doesn't require you be tech-savvy
2. Gives you back your non-renewable resource: time
3. Will pay you back several times over in profits
4. Walks you through developing a custom marketing strategy just for your business (there is no one size fits all here)
5. Doesn't require an intimate knowledge of marketing

So if you’re ready to finally create an effective marketing strategy while avoiding overwhelm

here's how we'll help you get here:

Module 1

Developing a Brand Strategy

Without a strong brand, your business has nothing to build on. You have your product or service you offer, but that's it.  And that alone does not make for a successful business. Brand development is one of the most commonly overlooked or underdeveloped areas with entrepreneurs that are trying to "go it alone."

By the time you've completed this module, you'll have a clear, robust brand and accompanying strategy to implement it.

Module Highlights:

  • Building a Brand vs. Building a Business
  • Create a well-rounded brand--again brands are almost always underdeveloped.
  • Nurture an ICA that will lead to much more effective content creation and improved conversion.
Module 2

Building & Marketing Your Email List

Your email list is by far the most important channel you have to your audience. You don't own your social media accounts, but you do own your email list. It's not subject to anyone else's rules, guidelines, or algorithms.

 I can say with almost complete certainty that you're not using your list to its full potential, but I can get you there. 

Module Highlights:

  • Learn how to start, grow, and nurture an email list.
  • Decipher what to offer your audience in exchange for their email.
  • Become privy to my favorite ways to serve up valuable content without ever becoming "that sales-y person."
Module 3

Creating Content That Converts

So often as entrepreneurs, we feel like we're on a content creation hamster wheel with no end in sight. And when we finally get content out into the world, it may not be at all what our audience is looking for, rendering it a complete waste of time. I'll show you exactly how to change all of that. 

Module Highlights:

  • My best tips and tricks on how to streamline content creation.
  • I'll walk you through how to get powerful content made for you (for free).
  • Get access to my strategy for effective content that converts.


Module 4

Mastering Social Media Marketing

Once you have developed a clear brand and your email game is strong, it's time to move on to mastering social media marketing. This is my favorite module; when following my approach, social media marketing allows you to really get creative and set yourself apart from the competitors.

Module Highlights:

  • I teach you my favorite technique for selling, which isn't actually selling at all, but will result in profits.
  • Learn the ins and outs of Instagram stories and hashtags. 
  • Familiarize yourself with social media algorithms and flip the script so that they'll actually help you instead of hinder you. 
Module 5

Serving the Customer

Are you really and truly serving your customers in a way that will keep them coming back time after time? You should be serving them at all times, even after money has exchanged hands.

Similarly, whether you know it or not, you already have a customer experience. But is it positive? Is it memorable? Is it exciting? If you're not being remembered for how you made your customers feel, then you're not separating yourself from your competitors, and therefore customers have no reason to come back. This is another concept critical to success that is so often overlooked. Module 5 will definitely give you a step up in your industry.

Module Highlights:

  • I'll walk you through how to create a unique experience for your customer. This has led to over $1,000 per day in my business.
  • Customer Expectations 
  • Why you want to underpromise and overdeliver. 
  • Ways to maximize third party validation.

The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits Promise

I'm so confident that my course will move the needle forward in your business in a way that wouldn't have happened on your own, that I proudly offer a money back guarantee.

By the end of 30 days, you'll have had access to the first three modules. That means you will have had the opportunity to build a brand strategy from the ground up, purposefully nurture your email list, and learn how to develop content that converts before ever making a final commitment. 

If you don't feel absolutely confident that my course will produce tangible results and serious profits in your business, simply contact us, show you've put in the work, and it's as easy as that: you have your money back.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits - $897 Value

  • Bonus #1: Customizable Brand Template - $100 Value
  • Bonus #2: Taking the Perfect Selfie - $100 Value
  • Bonus #3: Creating a Memorable Customer Experience - $100 Value

Total Value: $1,197

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $1,197

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment of



Frequently Asked Questions

Questions our top students asked before enrolling in The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits

I'm so happy you asked about that. This course is perfectly suited to entrepreneurs in all stages of their business, from the ones that are just starting to those that have been their own boss for years and just need a boost to get to the next level. Some of the bonuses are meant to springboard the newbies so we're all on the same page once the course starts.  

This is a great question. Time is often in short supply as business owners. Once purchased, you have lifetime access to this course. Make your way through it on your own time, at a pace that feels comfortable for you. There is no rush--the content isn't going anywhere. 

I'm glad you asked this, it's a common concern among my potential students. You absolutely do not need to be super familiar with the ins and outs of technology to be successful in this course. I walk you through everything, step by step by step. Plus you've got support (access to me!) throughout the duration of the course. There's no such thing as a bad question.

I love answering this question! There is no course like the Digital Marketing Guide to Profits. I saw a need with my one-on-one clients for a course just like this one. They want to market their business themselves and present it in a way unique to them, but they don't have the resources yet to do so. They also don't necessarily have the substantial budget required to hire a social media/marketing manager. And why would they stretch themselves so thin when they could do it themselves given the right tools? Think of this course as your toolkit. It's comprehensive, doesn't make any assumptions, and will give you everything you need to successfully market your business all the way to incredible profits. 

I'm so glad you asked! Absolutely there will be support. I will be available via email for all your needs throughout the duration of the 8-week course.

The course is located on a password-secured website and will be dripped so as to try and avoid overwhelm for my students. This means you will get access to a new module every week barring a couple weeks that will be used as implementation periods. 

This is an important question. The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits Promise ensures that you are happy with your purchase. If, after 30 days, you aren't satisfied and you've done the work thus far, we will gladly give you back your investment. 

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits - $897 Value

  • Bonus #1: Customizable Brand Template - $100 Value
  • Bonus #2: Taking the Perfect Selfie - $100 Value
  • Bonus #3: Creating a Memorable Customer Experience - $100 Value

Total Value: $1,197

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $1,197

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

A Single Payment of



The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits is PERFECT for you if… 

  1. You're just getting started and want to do it right
  2. You're established but struggling and want to fix it once and for all
  3. You're willing to put in the work in the name of manifesting a better, more profitable future for yourself
  4. You're willing to spend 1-3 hours a week strategically marketing your business
  5. You're already consistent in your marketing but aren't achieving the results you'd like
  6. You realize all the opportunities that will come your way as a result of increased profits, a clearly defined clientele, and a strategic marketing approach
  7. You feel confident snagging your access details knowing you have 30 days to test it out

If you said “yes” to at least 5 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits - $897 Value

  • Bonus #1: Customizable Brand Template - $100 Value
  • Bonus #2: Taking the Perfect Selfie - $100 Value
  • Bonus #3: Creating a Memorable Customer Experience - $100 Value

Total Value: $1,197

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $1,197

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Payment Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Payment Upfront

A Single Payment of



50% Complete

Two Step

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