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The Digital Marketing Guide to Profits Course
As a busy entrepreneur trying to balance business, family, and maybe even a 9-5, you literally can't afford to waste time marketing ineffectively. Ineffective marketing or no marketing at all is a death sentence for a business. It's crucial to learn proper marketing techniques and stay consistent with them.
And fortunately for you, there is only a very small number of entrepreneurs marketing their businesses in an effective manner. The majority of your competitors are either failing to market much at all or spending time on things that aren't working and aren't moving the needle forward in their businesses.
This is good news for you! Even if you feel behind, this is a golden opportunity for you to invest in yourself and your business in a way that can convert into substantial profits if you follow the process that has been laid out and put in the work.
My first ever course launch went a little like this: Cart opens day 1... no sales. Ok it’s fine, it’s only day 1. Live webinars come and go... no sales. A steady, thrumming panic starts to take over my body. Just under the surface, but always there. Doubt seeps in... maybe I was right to get passed over for the job. Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this at all. Maybe I should stick to what I’ve been doing. Day 7... I finally confide to my boyfriend that I’m scared I won’t make any sales. My thought process before was if I don’t say anything, it won’t be real.. but I couldn’t take the incessant thrumming by myself anymore.
Now let me tell you about day 8. I was talking to my mom on the phone and casually logged into my back office without much thought. There it was. Dollar signs. I had made a sale. I had done it. After a moment of stunned silence, I said “mom, I made a sale, I gotta go.” And I hung up, promptly stood up from the kitchen table and proceeded to dance around the kitchen— literally doing a happy dance. The weight, the pressure, the fear and doubt lifted off my shoulders and I was dancing it out. I felt validated, someone believed in me, was trusting me to deliver and that was powerful. There’s been many more sales since, and while each one may not be followed with a happy dance, I am still consumed with the same feeling every single time.
THAT is why my marketing course for small business owners exists. That is why I put my entire heart into getting it into their hands. I want everyone to experience that feeling, to have no choice but to break out into a happy dance in the middle of their kitchen because they made another sale. It’s like that quote— when you buy from a small business, an actual person does a happy dance.
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