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Triple Your Sales By Doing This

Apr 03, 2020

You've heard the old song and dance over and over, serve your audience. But the people you hear it from aren't just saying it. Listen up.

I teach this concept in my course, the Digital Marketing Guide to Profits. Serve, add value, blah blah blah, right? But think about it this way: if you're hearing it over and over again from experts in the marketing industry, it must have some merit.

If you serve your audience 3 times more than you sell to them, you'll do 3 times the sales once you do sell. Read that again. You're going to triple the sales you would otherwise if you serve your audience by being attentive to their needs and adding value for free the majority of the time. That means: not selling their ears off. No one wants to be sold to. That's the plain and simple truth. I don't know about you, but I have never heard anyone say, "gosh I so enjoyed the experience of this person pressuring me into buying this thing."

Ok so now you know you need to serve your audience, but...

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Get a Step Up on Your Competitors By Doing These 5 Things

Mar 27, 2020

It's a noisy world out there. So how do you stand out? How do you make sure you've got a step up on the competition? I'm going to tell you. 

1. Creat videos, lots and lots of videos. You should be consistently showing up on IGTV, Facebook Live, and uploading videos to Pinterest. Here's what I do to streamline the process: I start by doing a Facebook Live. After you've finished that, Facebook gives you an option to save it, so I do. Next, I use that to upload the video to my Instagram feed via IGTV and Pinterest. In this way, I only have to record one video, not 3 and this creates consistency across my feeds. 


2. Use third party validation as much as you possibly can. This means whenever and wherever your customers are talking about your business, you post it, share it, pin it. I have a highlight on my Instagram account specifically for testimonials, they're all over my website, and they're front and center on my Facebook page. If you have a Facebook group,...

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You Shouldn't Be Marketing Your Business On All Social Media Platforms

Mar 17, 2020

Here's the scoop: 

If you're attempting to market your business across all the platforms out there, there's no way you can do so effectively, rendering all your time completely wasted. Trying to be everywhere will mean you're effectively showing up nowhere. Unless you're a large corporation, with a huge team, you simply cannot be everywhere well. But maybe of more interest to you? 

There's no need. It's highly unlikely your target demographic is on every platform. I have yet to meet a business owner that has an ICA that justifies them being on all the social media platforms available. My clients will tell me they set up accounts on all the social media sites almost like it's a badge of honor. Following this exclamation, I ask: 

But are you posting consistently on every single account? The answer always to follow is "no."

Are you spending time to intentionally engage and build relationships on every single account every day? "" 

Did you set up...

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